10 tips for a creative and functional description in app stores

10 dicas para uma descrição criativa e funcional nas app stores

Do you want to see your application stand out from all the others in the App Store and in Google Play? In addition to developing them with incredible features, a creative description will give your app prominence, attracting users to download, as well as increasing customers’ buying decision potential. The description is displayed on the application’s details page, in search results and algorithm lists, which means that the first lines have the function of explaining it, holding the attention and engaging those who are about to download. Check out our 10 tips on how to write a creative and functional description of your app, in order to ensure endless downloads.

1. The first impression is everything

Must we remind you that the beginning of an application’s description is the most important feature when engaging and convincing a user to download or purchase it? Before choosing the first sentences of your app’s description, think about what you would like to hear: when you walk into a store to buy a product, what the seller says is able to engage you in such a way that you actually buy it? Or, when attending a job interview, what are the first sentences you use to impress the recruiter? Get inspired and think of two or three sentences that can present and explain your app in the most creative and functional way possible, so that the first impression is sure to be engaging and compelling.

2. Optimize the available description space

What will you write after the initial description? Optimize this space and describe the additional benefits that further enhance your application. Remember to include detailed information, including those that are in accordance with the legislation of the countries where your application is being distributed.

3. Practicality

Many people will see your application, giving the description a quick peek. How can you capture the full attention of eyes that are going 100 km per hour? The options are endless: you can divide the description into short paragraphs, split them up by items, number them according to information relevance, add a list of resources, include symbols (✔)... Analyze which is the most creative and functional way to show off what the application does best.

4. Engaging and friendly language

What is your application’s profile? A very creative and functional tip is to use language that communicates the application like it were a person, differentiating it from its competitors. Remember the kind of dialogue you use with friends when having coffee: what tone of voice and words do you normally use when talking to someone you want to impress? Use these forms of communication to develop a unique and friendly language that encourages users to download your app! Avoid using a dry or automatic language, decide if your application has a casual or relaxed style and, above all, be friendly!

5. The right number of words

How many words are necessary to describe your application? A more complex app needs more detailed information, as opposed to one that only needs the exact number of Twitter characters to be promoted. Remember that, regardless of the number of words, an application’s description needs to be read quickly. The right number of words is usually 200, but you can add other relevant information in order to engage those users who are interested in a further explanation of the app. Although you have this possibility, it doesn’t mean that you can use words without any measure, try to be cautious and stay away from the 4,000 word limit.

6. Description aesthetics

It’s important to note the dimensions of the available space when writing a description for an application, so that the presentation aesthetics are not compromised. Evaluate the number of words used in each sentence of the app’s description, so that they are easily adapted to any mobile device. Remember that descriptions can run up to three sentences before being concealed by the "More" button, so it is important that the app’s description is creative and well presented. This is just another tip that influences the aesthetics and functionality of an app’s description.

7. Transparency in the lite version

Will the application have a free lite version? Then be sure to explain how it will work so that users can understand, very clearly, which resources are limited and which ones they will have full access to.

8. A sneak peek at competitors will do no harm

Before finalizing your application’s description, take a peek at your competitor’s apps. Observe how they are described, the language used, the number of words needed to describe them, etc. Use this sneak peek to find a way to differentiate yourself from the competition.

9. Grammar

In a description comprised of very few sentences, there simply cannot exist words that undermine your application’s credibility and quality. Proof read and review every single word before publishing the app description! Consider using capital letters only at the beginning of the sentence and remember that the use of unusual punctuation can cause difficulty in reading – punctuation should be creative, functional and practical in order to accompany those 100 km per hour eyes.

10. Each link in its place

Remember that in the application’s description it is not possible to access URLs. Therefore, avoid adding links in this space, whether it’s to the app's website or privacy policy. If you must include them, add them in the designated areas, which are provided during the app publishing process.