Module to generate Multibanco References for Drupal Commerce 2.x

Multibanco BloomIdea

The Portuguese use the payment instruments offered by the Multibanco network in their online purchases for multiple reasons. The Multibanco reference, the MB Net cards, and, recently, the MB Way service, are simple, convenient, and safe instruments.

The familiarity of the Portuguese with the Multibanco network, together with the demographic characteristics of the population, lead to a natural preference for these methods over other options, such as Paypal or credit card.

The online shops that operate for the Portuguese market are aware of this preference, providing Multibanco reference in their payment options. Recently, several of these brands have also made the MB Way option available.

As it had happened in the past, BloomIdea contributed to the Drupal community and for e-commerce in Portugal, developing a module for Drupal Commerce 2.x that allows the automatic generation of Multibanco references on this e-commerce platform. This module for Drupal 8 uses Ifthenpay, and it will soon include the MB Way payment method.

Integrate the Ifthenpay Commerce module into your online store.

If you don't already have an online store and need expert advice contact our team.