
An ever-present veterinarian.

In Portugal, more than half of the houses have a pet, and most tutors claim to see their pets as a family member. However, two veterinary doctors have realized that most animal tutors first resort to the internet when doubts are raised regarding the well-being of their dogs, cats, birds, postponing the visit to the veterinary doctor!

Pier Augé

The renowned French cosmetic brand.

Pier Augé is a French cosmetics brand, created in 1961 by Pierre Jules Augé, a pharmacist, who, with a high scientific rigor, created the Dergyl base. This base, present in all the creams of the brand, replicates the skin formula and has the same structure as its components, which makes the products respect the epidermis and help it defend itself and regenerate naturally.

Health Game Mundi Inspirer

Technology at the service of health.

Mundi Inspirer App is an initiative of CINTESIS from Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto; Laboratório de Investigação e Reabilitação Respiratória (Lab3R) from Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade de Aveiro; CMUP; Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência ; MEDIDA; BloomIdea; MEDICIS; Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto; and Unidade de Imunoalergologia from Instituto CUF Porto. The app was created to meet the needs of people who suffer from Asthma.


Sharing is the best solution!

O projeto Adoeci é uma plataforma gratuita que promove a união de pessoas que tenham sido diagnosticadas com a mesma patologia e possibilita a troca de ideias e de informações e a partilha de experiências entre elas.


The pharmaceutical that sells in over 70 countries

Uriach was founded in 1838 in Barcelona, currently is headquartered in Spain, Italy and Portugal and is one of the oldest pharmaceutical groups in the world. The marketing of its products extends to over 70 countries and its main goal is to improve people's health, quality of life and well-being.