If you believe your brand can increase its digital footprint, have more impact on its followers, and be a real sales machine through social media, but you still don't know how to get there, we have a suggestion: promote giveaways on Instagram.
Instagram is an excellent network to promote your brand and create a community, and the best way to please your potential customers is by giving them what they want: who doesn't like to win and receive gifts?
Therefore, take this opportunity to proceed with a suggestion that not only creates engagement and notoriety, but also increases reach and traffic, while bringing you closer to your audience and promoting your brand. When doing a giveaway, your page will have more visits, more shares, more interaction and more recognition.
Generally speaking, when we think of e-commerce, we think of an online commercial transaction between a supplier and a client. However, and although this idea is right, we can be more specific and actually divide e-commerce into six major types, all with different characteristics.
We’ve been telling stories for thousands of years – in prehistoric times we were already leaving them engraved on cave walls. However, we don’t need to go that far back to understand the powerful effect that a story has on us. When we were young, how often did we ask our parents to tell us a story – our favorite one – the one we already knew by heart?

And when brands choose to tell an incredible story to their customers, what happens?
As marcas portuguesas descobriram maneiras de se diferenciarem, assentes não só em indicar a qualidade que o know-how português produz, mas também em descobrir segmentos de mercado pouco explorados e conquistar uma posição forte no mesmo – por exemplo, a marca Marita Moreno, que lançou recentemente uma linha de calçado unissexo Vegan, que assenta em evitar a utilização de componentes e exploração animal no processo de fabricação, e uma linha What about Skin cujos padrões relembram azulejos portugueses.